Today, wherever you see me…
From Chaos, titans. In a world full of humans a few will be gods. When worlds fill with gods, few will be titan. From the world of the titan: Who are the makers of myth?
I, Titan
Sometimes — most times, actually — it makes sense for us to do the best we can with what we have. On any given day that can be just about anything. That is the life of any artist. But I speak for myself. Experience gives you an opportunity to be more nuanced with whatever you have access to. I take deeply into consideration the particular voice that is mine. What makes me who I am and not anyone else. I set out every day. Because it is the world we live in, I take a look objectively at who I present in the world. I have no idea what all the work would look like if instead of just doing what makes sense as myself I were actually doing all of the requisite things those social media “gurus” say a person should do. From what I see, based on how we are moving as a group of people, we are simply supposed to be present. And we get to do it however we see fit. In some corner I think I have said it is important to me that folks think of the Internet as their Internet. But only inasmuch as they are interested.
Access to so much information at the touch of…well…at the tip of ones fingers because there are not really too many buttons any more…images in light on glass encased in durable material. I think the whole notion of being less concentrated on trying to reach every single human and more focused on speaking to those who care enough about themselves and the world to take a moment to read, think for themselves, and participate thoughtfully is what matters in building any community worth being part of. Instinct tells me to convey this now. What did I need specifically to be able to sit here and say? Absolutely every single other experience in my life I have been able to reflect on, make peace with, forget, remember, discard, read about, live, and believe in. All of it coalesces. The stuff we all put into the world and the stuff that we keep. The point at which we say, “Live this,” is what makes us present as folks sitting quietly, doing whatever it is that we do, recognized as ourselves. We are special. We get to each figure it out on our own. And that is what makes experiencing and reading and listening to the flavors of the world so beautiful. Each person’s expression of themselves makes something.
I read myself into this…
because my life matters.
I am in the harmony. I have exactly the appropriate tone of the level of my opinion of myself.
The right pitch. The perfect timbre and hue.
Enough to get me through the days of a thousand years.
There is no particular way we are “supposed” to have done something. We have the right to be without the slightest inclination to think first about asking permission. You kinda just do you and there you are, having you present in all you have done. I take into consideration all of things I will never know, perhaps things we will never think to say to anyone at all, that nonetheless make us who we are. That is how I move through the world. And as a thought process, it gives me my calm. This is not repetition. It is part of a larger painting, in water color.